• Character Creation Private Training Package

    Personalized training program
    Online course
    Virtual sessions
    Cast Guidance Virtual Trainer (1 month)

  • Level Up Private Training Package

    Personalized training program
    Online course
    Virtual sessions (8 sessions)
    Cast Guidance Virtual Trainer (3 months)

  • Cast Guidance Pocket Trainer

    Subscription Course
    1 video/week for 4 weeks
    Weekly Office Hours
    Priority working spots in workshops

Start with a Session Zero

Training the dog is only half the picture. The other half includes management, prevention, enrichment, and setting your environment up for success. It means setting goals and making a plan from the human end of the leash to know what behaviors we’re training for and why. Whether you’re just in need of a plan, are looking to decide what classes to take or services to make use of, or know you’ll want to move onto more in-person, private coaching: start here.

Session Zero includes:

  • 75-minute virtual consultation discussing the behavior challenges you’re experiencing and coming up with plans, management, and behaviors that will fit your life and your family.

  • Guild Hall Access and “Roll Initiative” Orientation: Our private client portal with resources, orientation courses and lots of go-to information on setting your training sessions up for success.

  • Your dog’s own personalized webpage with written follow up plan with instructions and resources on implementation, suggestions for further training, and invitation to our private Facebook community.

  • A short Mini-Game meet and greet at my home to ask questions, build a relationship with your pup, and get to know one another!
