More Training?

Hungry Dog Training *- Gaithersburg, MD
Offers private lesson programs, online courses, board and train, and more! Specializes in reactivity, sports, and cooperative care.
I occasionally partner with Alyse at Hungry Dog Training to provide boarding coverage and we frequently share services and clients!

Adventure Dogs Academy - Hydes, MD
Offers private lesson programs, board and train, family dog training, and more! Specializes in manners and foundational skills, and dog and baby integrations!

Foley’s Dog Training - Burtonsville, MD
Offers introductory and welcoming sport training for Agility and Rally! Specializes in sensitive or cautious dogs gaining confidence through sport.

Your Dog’s Friend - Rockville, MD
Offers a number of online and in-person courses with some fabulous trainers and peers! Also frequently offers free webinars and training resources.

Separation Anxiety Trainers have certifications specific to helping work through more complex Separation Anxiety cases. I most frequently direct clients to Dog Crazy Lady (Owings Mills, MD) and Behavior United (Bethesda, MD)

Certified Vet Behaviorist

Animal Behavior Wellness Center (Fairfax VA)

Friendship Hospital for Animals (Washington DC)

Dog-Sitting, Dog-Walking, Boarding Facilities

Rivermist Pet Lodge - Brinklow, MD

Mythic Paws - MD

Challenging Dogs Pet Care * - MD, DC, VA
I partner with Challenging Dogs Pet Care to consult on their behavior cases and provide continued education for their staff

 More Coming Soon!