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Player’s Handbook
In Dungeons and Dragons, the Player’s Handbook includes all the essential information you need to start playing the game. You can definitely expand from there (for Like Magic expansions, check out pages for Cantrips, free training resources, or our Campaign Notes blog) But this bi-monthly newsletter will aim to get you all the details you need to start playing with your dog!
Classes and Events: Winter 2024
Winter classes are posted for 2024! We will be pivoting indoors during February in hopes of avoiding the worst of the icy/slushy gross weather.
Cozy Classes: Virtual One Shots - Tuesdays!
Cozy classes will include a variety of topics that are easily, or even best addressed right at home in your living room and so well suited to a virtual session. We will be focusing on Indoor Problem Solving (02/06) and Tricks (02/20) in February!
In Person One Shots - Tuesdays in March!
In March, we will be back working in person on Tuesday evenings, with a Walk and Train on 03/05 and Holiday Prep on 03/19!
Drama Class - Short Sunday Rotation!
Before going back to Tuesday evenings in April, there are three Sunday sessions of Drama Class with space to jump in to! Reach out if you’re not sure if you and your dog are ready for our reactivity coaching class!
Your Canine Community: Live!
One of the additions to the Facebook community page has been to offer brief Live sessions focused on training together, asking questions, and generally being open for “office hours” help. These were super fun in January and I’m looking forward to continuing to host these in February. If you’re a client or prior client who doesn’t use Facebook but is interested, let me know and I can send over the Zoom link and details!
Spellbook: Scratchboard for Enrichment and Nail Care!
Have you checked out the new Day School portal? What about your Spellbook?
The Spellbook will be a video library with quick instructions or tips on some of the behaviors I see myself working consistently on or working with a lot of dogs on. I’ve always aimed to reference in entries why I’m training a dog on a particular behavior, but especially if a behavior repeats itself over several weeks or several dogs, that explanation can be easily missed or buried. I also want to be able to show both the beginning stages of the behavior and the finished behavior in a quick instructional tool so you can follow up with your pet at home.
I’m also happy to gradually add instructional videos of behaviors I’ve worked with your dog in the past - let me know what you most would like to see!
Spring Break Closure
In March, Heroes’ Guild will have a brief closure the weeks of 03/24 and 04/01. I’ll be reaching out with the closure dates for the affected members shortly! We will be open again as normal on 04/08!
Campaign Packages and Board and Train
Board and Train and Campaign availability is filling up but has openings in Spring before Summer break!
I’m super excited about the packages that have been designed to support both ends of the leash in my reactivity, fear, puppy, and adolescent campaigns. The packages include gear, multiple touchpoints, coaching sessions, day training, websites and courses relevant to your progress. Working through reactivity campaigns has already been so rewarding to see progress and answer questions over the last several weeks.
Similar support is available for board and train packages to ensure that skills are communicated in writing and also through coaching available when your pup goes home.
Stay In Touch!
I want to hear from you! Share your brags, your questions, your challenges by following me and my colleagues throughout social media, or by sending an email to let me know how things are going!
Facebook Page: Like Magic Dog Training
Community Group: Your Canine Community
Instagram: @likemagicdogs
TikTok: @likemagicdogtraining
Need to book a session? We can start with a virtual “Session Zero” consultation and training plan. In addition to identifying some immediate changes and training behaviors you can put into place, your dog will receive their very own customized webpage and training plan.
You can book your session directly from the website or by clicking the link below.