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Player’s Handbook

In Dungeons and Dragons, the Player’s Handbook includes all the essential information you need to start playing the game. You can definitely expand from there (for Like Magic expansions, check out pages for Cantrips, free training resources, or our Campaign Notes blog) But this bi-monthly newsletter will aim to get you all the details you need to start playing with your dog!


Classes and Events: Winter 2024

Winter classes are posted for 2024! We will be pivoting indoors during January in hopes of avoiding the worst of the icy/slushy gross weather.

Cozy Classes: Virtual One Shots - Tuesdays!
Cozy classes will include a variety of topics that are easily, or even best addressed right at home in your living room and so well suited to a virtual session. We will be focusing on Cooperative Care (01/09), Tricks (01/23 and 02/20), and Indoor Problem Solving (02/06).

Virtual Drama Class “Rehearsal” - Tuesdays

Want to join in person reactivity classes but not sure about working through online materials on your own? Drama Class will be back for a limited virtual run to work through the course as a group in advance of in-person classes in February.

Your Canine Community: Live!

Your Canine Community has been in a little bit of limbo for the past year as I’ve been working to…well, not be terrible at marketing myself and engaging online. I can’t say I’m much better at it now, but I have some ideas on how to move forward. One of those is to add some Live sessions in the group starting in January. For both sessions I have in mind I think it will likely be a Zoom link rather than a true Facebook live as I’m more familiar with the format and would like the option to let folks share their video if they want to, but more information to come in the Facebook group!

New Guild Portal and Spellbook!

Over the last few months, several public pages have gotten a makeover, so now it’s time for Heroes’ Guild! I’ll be sending out information shortly on how to access your NEW member site. A lot will be familiar, but the layout of the weekly recaps will be shifting somewhat, and the Spellbook will be added as a resource.

The Spellbook will be a video library with quick instructions or tips on some of the behaviors I see myself working consistently on or working with a lot of dogs on. I’ve always aimed to reference in entries why I’m training a dog on a particular behavior, but especially if a behavior repeats itself over several weeks or several dogs, that explanation can be easily missed or buried. I also want to be able to show both the beginning stages of the behavior and the finished behavior in a quick instructional tool so you can follow up with your pet at home.

I’m also happy to gradually add instructional videos of behaviors I’ve worked with your dog in the past - let me know what you most would like to see!

Boarding and Board and Train Availability

I’ve really been enjoying adding board and train options back into the mix in the past few months. The ability to include complementary products, online services, as well as the information and presentation of the personalized website for these programs is something I’m super proud of and excited for.

I am already booked for board and train in January, but would encourage you to reach out for dates throughout the next few months if you’ve been board and train curious - let’s talk about what the program includes and how we can get you and your pup started! Board and train packages are available for a minimum stay length of a week.

Boarding will continue to be offered, but at an adjusted rate - rather than optional Heroes’ Guild, boarding will now come with training as a built-in enrichment. It’s not anywhere near as comprehensive as a board and train but we can absolutely work on specific behaviors that would be helpful at home while your dog gets to exercise their brain in mini-day school style training sessions! Boarding is available in January and beyond for stays of 2 weeks or less.


Stay In Touch!

I want to hear from you! Share your brags, your questions, your challenges by following me and my colleagues throughout social media, or by sending an email to let me know how things are going!

Facebook Page: Like Magic Dog Training

Community Group: Your Canine Community

Instagram: @likemagicdogs

TikTok: @likemagicdogtraining

Need to book a session? We can start with a virtual “Session Zero” consultation and training plan. In addition to identifying some immediate changes and training behaviors you can put into place, your dog will receive their very own customized webpage and training plan.

You can book your session directly from the website or by clicking the link below.