Want to earn a new title for your dog? AKC FitDog allows you to do just that - all geared towards keeping your dog in tip-top shape! Whether you’re working with a young adolescent (prone to feats of physicality that extend beyond their abilities) or with a grey-muzzled senior who needs some extra mental and physical attention, this online fitness class is intended to introduce you and your dog to the skills needed to keep them in good shape.
This class is held virtually live over 6 weeks and will go through appropriate stretches and behaviors to enhance your dog's strength and conditioning. If you have any concerns about your dog’s ability to participate, or if your dog has any physical limitations, please reach out to me as well as checking in with your vet before joining!
As an AKC-certified instructor, this class can be used to help qualify for your FitDog title!
Dates of the class are: 03/25, 04/01, 04/15, 04/22, 04/29, 05/06
There is no class on 04/08