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FitDog Walks: January

  • Like Magic Dog Training Eliicott City, MD (map)

Want to earn a new title for your dog?  AKC FitDog allows you to do just that - just for getting out and walking with your dog!  Like Magic is an official FitDog training club and will host regular walks (approx. 1 mile) for dogs.  Come along and get one step closer to your dog’s FitDog title!

Group walks are not a good fit for every dog - please no leash reactivity or environmentally anxious pups on this one.  If you’re interested in getting your more sensitive pup some group walks to qualify for your title, reach out to get started with sessions with me or - if you’ve worked with me in the past - log in to Guild Hall and sign up for the next Level Up Hike. These hikes also meet FitDog walk requirements but are more focused on locations and distance that will be better suited.

If you have a recovering reactive dog that would like to come on a busier group walk, you may be asked to use a muzzle to optimize safety.  Reach out for more information and resources on conditioning your pup to comfortable muzzle use!